The Italy Chapter of the
The Vascular Birthmarks Foundation

Dr. Linda Rozell-Shannon, PhD President and Founder

I was born with a port wine stain from my back down to the very bottom of my feet. I have had eight laser surgeries to help lighten it, all of which have taken place at the hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas. I have not had one in a while, though because my parents thought it should be my choice whether or not I want to continue the surgeries when I am older.

I’ve never really felt the need to lighten my birthmark as I’ve never really been bullied for it or anything. Sure, I ask myself questions like why God choose me to bare the birthmark, or why could I not look like another girl? I tend to just push those questions into the back of my mind and try my best to ignore them. As I said before, I’ve never really been bullied for my birthmark, but I have been asked tons of questions, some rude, some polite, and have even gotten a few nasty glares. I don’t let the rude questions and stare get to me, though.

I know God gave me the port wine stain for a reason, and it is a part of me. If other people can not accept it, then that’s their issue. I hope to inspire others with birthmarks like mine. I want to let them know they are special and they should not be ashamed of that. They should show off their birthmark, not hide it. That is why I am sharing my story.


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